Faculty & Staff Directory
Name | Office / Mailstop | Phone / E-Mail | |
Babcock, George Library & Archives Paraprofessional 4 Library Technical Services | 25-209 Mailstop 25-2 | (206) 592-3235 gbabcock@highline.edu | |
Bachmeier, Gabrielle Dean, Workforce Partnerships and Extended Learning Workforce Partnerships and Extended Learning | 9-214 Mailstop 9-3 | (206) 592-4083 gbachmeier@highline.edu | |
Bacio Cobos, Ana Custodian 2 Custodial Services | 24-108 Mailstop 24-1 | abaciocobos@highline.edu | |
Baer, Eric Faculty / Pure and Applied Sciences Chair Geology | 29-341 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3513 ebaer@highline.edu | |
Baker, Katie Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-231 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4694 kbaker@highline.edu | |
Baldridge, Margaret Part Time Faculty Nursing | Mailstop 26-2 | (206) 592-4209 mbaldridge@highline.edu | |
Balkenende, Teri Faculty History | 23-330 Mailstop 23-3 | (206) 592-3137 tbalkenende@highline.edu | |
Ballard, Trina Part Time Faculty Communication Studies | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4683 tballard@highline.edu | |
Barboza, Michelle Part Time Faculty Geology | 29-344 Mailstop 29-3 | mbarboza@highline.edu | |
Barkauskaite, Romute Library & Archives Paraprofessional 3 Library Circulation Services | 25-209 Mailstop 25-2 | (206) 592-3139 rbarkauskaite@highline.edu | |
Barkov, Nikolay Full Time Faculty Accounting | 29-331 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3045 nbarkov@highline.edu | |
Barndt, Katie Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Online Only | kbarndt@highline.edu | |
Barnes, Benton Public Safety Officer Public Safety | 6-104 Mailstop 6-1 | (206) 592-3110 bbarnes@highline.edu | |
Barnes, Dominique Administrative Assistant I Outreach & Recruitment | 9-125 Mailstop 9-1 | (206) 592-3209 dbarnes@highline.edu | |
Bart, Donelle Part Time Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4459 dbart@highline.edu | |
Bartlett, Samantha Program Coordinator Running Start | 06-226 Mailstop 6-10 | (206) 592-3221 sbartlett@highline.edu | |
Bates, Benjamin Faculty Visual Communications | 16-111 Mailstop 16-3 | (206) 592-3573 bbates@highline.edu | |
Bautista Vega, Cristina Outreach and Recruitment Advisor Outreach and Recruitment | 9-125 Mailstop 9-1 | (206) 592-4941 cbautistavega@highline.edu | |
Bautista-Penafiel, Yara Program Coordinator Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence | 8-310 Mailstop 8-3 | (206) 592-3296 ybautistapenafiel@highline.edu | |
Bayaca, Alfredo Employment ConsultantEmployment Team Coordinator Community and Employment Services | 25-531 Mailstop 25-531 | (206) 592-4461 abayaca@highline.edu | |
Beausilien, Ederly Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems | Mailstop 29-2 | ebeausilien@highline.edu | |
Belt, Sherrie Part time Faculty Human Services | 19-103109 Mailstop 19-01 | sbelt@highline.edu | |
Beltran, Jasmine Lab Monitor Art Department | 16-171 Mailstop 16-3 | jbeltran@highline.edu | |
Benum, Christopher Part Time Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | cbenum@highline.edu | |
Berg, Leslea Human Resource Consultant 2 Human Resources | 12-109 Mailstop 12-101 | (206) 592-3270 lberg@highline.edu | |
Berg, Roseann Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop 29-3 | rberg@highline.edu | |
Bermingham, Kaitlin Program Specialist 3 Center of Excellence Global Trade and Supply Chain Management | CV-315 Mailstop CV-3 | (206) 592-3419 kbermingham@highline.edu | |
Bernhagen, Lisa Faculty English | 18-210 Mailstop 18-1 | (206) 592-3213 lbernhagen@highline.edu | |
Berrios, Blanca D Custodian 2 Custodial Services | 24-108 Mailstop 24-1 | (206) 592-3260 bberrios@highline.edu | |
Betancourt, Kelly Workforce Funding Advisor Workforce Education Services | 1-124 Mailstop 1-2 | (206) 592-3118 kbetancourt@highline.edu | |
Bickford, Mary Procurement & Supply Specialist 2 Purchasing | 25-120 Mailstop 25-120 | (206) 592-3306 mabickford@highline.edu | |
Bilal, Nasratullah Program Assistant English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | nbilal@highline.edu | |
Bjorge, Natalie Faculty Chemistry | 29-339 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3018 nbjorge@highline.edu | |
Bjornsgard, Emily Lead Aquarist Marine Science and Technology Center | MaST Mailstop MaST | (206) 592-4590 ebjornsgard@highline.edu | |
Blanco-Ramirez, Dakne TRiO Advising and Retention Specialist TRIO Student Support Services | 06-154 Mailstop 6-3 | dblancoramirez@highline.edu | |
Bledsaw, Rachael L Part Time Faculty History | 15-212 Mailstop 15-1 | (206) 592-4177 rbledsaw@highline.edu | |
Boldt, Mary Part Time Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4270 mboldt@highline.edu | |
Bose, Garrett Part Time Faculty World Languages | Mailstop 18-01 | gbose@highline.edu | |
Boubaya, Radhouane Part-time Faculty World Languages | Mailstop 18-01 | (206) 592-3089 rboubaya@highline.edu | |
Bowen, Melanie Part Time Faculty Nursing | Mailstop 26-2 | mbowen@highline.edu | |
Boyd, Diana Faculty Visual Communications | 16-111 Mailstop 16-3 | (206) 592-4603 dboyd@highline.edu | |
Bremen, Ellen Faculty Communication Studies | 18-205 Mailstop 18-1 | (206) 592-3698 ebremen@highline.edu | |
Brent, Cariko Payroll Program Manager Human Resources | 12-103 Mailstop 12-101 | (206) 592-3304 cbrent@highline.edu | |
Brice, Darryl Faculty Sociology | 23-316 Mailstop 23-3 | (206) 592-3648 dbrice@highline.edu | |
Brigham, Tracy Faculty Physical Education | 26-326 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3449 tbrigham@highline.edu | |
Brignall, Molly Faculty Physical Education | 26-319 Mailstop 26-2 | (206) 592-4095 mbrignall@highline.edu | |
Brook, Hara Reference Librarian Library Reference Services | 25-416 Mailstop 25-2B | (206) 592-3248 hbrook@highline.edu | |
Broomfield, Barbara Employment Team Coordinator Community and Employment Services | 25-531 Mailstop 25-531 | (206) 592-4178 bbroomfield@highline.edu | |
Brown, Jonathan Adjunct Faculty Achieve | 25-531 Mailstop 25-531 | (206) 592-3442 jbrown@highline.edu | |
Brown, Maurea Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-103C Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-3875 mbrown@highline.edu | |
Brown, Prairie Faculty English | 18-204 Mailstop 18-1 | (206) 592-4548 pbrown@highline.edu | |
Brumley, Joshua Part Time Faculty Legal Studies | Mailstop 29-2 | jbrumley@highline.edu | |
Bull, Mia BAS Admissions Coordinator BAS and Workforce Pathways | 9-216 Mailstop 9-2 | (206) 592-4563 mbull@highline.edu | |
Bungart, Gaye Part Time Faculty Education | Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4706 gbungart@highline.edu | |
Burn, Helen Faculty Mathematics | 29-240 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3496 hburn@highline.edu | |
Buschelman, Rachel Achieve Advisor Achieve | 25-531 Mailstop 25-531 | (206) 592-4558 rbuschelman@highline.edu | |
Buschhoff, James Part Time Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4278 jbuschhoff@highline.edu | |
Bushnell, Kelly Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | kbushnell@highline.edu | ||
Butler, Bobby Program Director Sustainable Agriculture SBDC | CV-301 Mailstop CV-3 | (425) 445-4556 bbutler@highline.edu |
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