Pure & Applied Sciences Division
Name | Name | Office / Mailstop | Phone / E-Mail |
Asher, Greg Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-350 Mailstop -29-3 | gasher@highline.edu | |
Ataky, Jered Part Time Faculty Mathematics | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | jataky@highline.edu | |
Baer, Eric Faculty / Pure and Applied Sciences Chair Geology | 29-341 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3513 ebaer@highline.edu | |
Baker, Katie Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-231 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4694 kbaker@highline.edu | |
Barboza, Michelle Part Time Faculty Geology | 29-344 Mailstop 29-3 | mbarboza@highline.edu | |
Barndt, Katie Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Online Only | kbarndt@highline.edu | |
Beausilien, Ederly Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems | Mailstop 29-2 | ebeausilien@highline.edu | |
Berg, Roseann Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop 29-3 | rberg@highline.edu | |
Bertolami, Mark Part Time Faculty Chemistry | Mailstop 29-03 | mbertolami@highline.edu | |
Bickford, Mary Procurement & Supply Specialist 2 Purchasing | 25-120 Mailstop 25-120 | (206) 592-3306 mabickford@highline.edu | |
Bjorge, Natalie Faculty Chemistry | 29-339 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3018 nbjorge@highline.edu | |
Burn, Helen Faculty Mathematics | 29-240 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3496 hburn@highline.edu | |
Bushnell, Kelly Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | kbushnell@highline.edu | ||
Clark, William Full Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-244 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4308 wclark@highline.edu | |
Cohen, Charly Part Time Faculty Mathematics | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | 206-592-4391 ccohen@highline.edu | |
Cooper, Clifton Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 26-336 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4921 ccooper@highline.edu | |
Cramer, Cait Engineering Coordinator Engineering | 29-346 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4132 ccramer@highline.edu | |
Dhanji, Aleya Faculty Physics | 29-345 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4597 adhanji@highline.edu | |
Fardad, Razmehr Faculty Mathematics | 26-307 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3037 rfardad@highline.edu | |
Funkhouser, Kelsey Part Time Faculty Physics | Mailstop 29-3 | kfunkhouser@highline.edu | |
Gan, Chris Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-250 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3695 cgan@highline.edu | |
Gan, Emilia Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | egan@highline.edu | |
Garas, Lydia Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-350 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4524 lgaras@highline.edu | |
Gardner, Graeme Part Time Faculty Chemistry | 29-338 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4087 ggardner@highline.edu | |
Gleaves, Morgan Part Time Faculty Chemistry | Mailstop 29-3 | mgleaves@highline.edu | |
Glozman, Igor Faculty Physics | 29-332 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3510 iglozman@highline.edu | |
Godfrey, Ronald Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Online Only | rgodfrey@highline.edu | |
Goff, Clifton Part Time Faculty Engineering | Mailstop 29-03 | cgoff@highline.edu | |
Halverson, Marina Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | mhalverson@highline.edu | ||
Hayden, Aaron BAS Cybersecurity Coordinator Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29-237 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3550 ahayden@highline.edu | |
Hunter, Barbara Faculty Mathematics | 26-304 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3025 bhunter@highline.edu | |
Jigjidsuren, Bataa Part Time Faculty Geology | Mailstop 29-3 | bjigjidsuren@highline.edu | |
Johansen, Thor Part Time Faculty Mathematics | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | tjohansen@highline.edu | |
Johnson, Heather Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems | Mailstop 29-2 | hjohnson@highline.edu | |
Kang, Hee Part Time Faculty Mathematics | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4525 hkang@highline.edu | |
Kang, Ravinder Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29-247 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3337 rkang@highline.edu | |
Kibler-Trimboli, Shane Faculty Mathematics | 26-311 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4192 skiblertrimboli@highline.edu | |
Kong, Emma Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29-248 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3048 ekong@highline.edu | |
Kulawiec, Mariola Instruction & Classroom Support Tech 3 Life Ocean and General Science | 26-336 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3021 mkulawiec@highline.edu | |
Kwon, Patrick Faculty Mathematics | 26-313 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3072 pkwon@highline.edu | |
Landes, Michael Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | mlandes@highline.edu | |
Lee, Cindy Instruction & Classroom Support Tech 2 Life Ocean and General Science | 26-336 Mailstop 26-3 | cilee@highline.edu | |
Levin, Heather Instruction & Classroom Support Tech 2 Life Ocean and General Science | 26-336 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4368 hlevin@highline.edu | |
Lim, Han Faculty Mathematics | 26-323 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3027 hlim@highline.edu | |
Lopez, George Faculty Mathematics | 26-330 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4289 glopez@highline.edu | |
Means, Nathan Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-246 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3052 nmeans@highline.edu | |
Meerdink, Terry Faculty Mathematics | 26-309 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3028 tmeerdink@highline.edu | |
Moehlig, Aaron Faculty Chemistry | 29-337 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3563 amoehlig@highline.edu | |
Moehlig, Melissa Faculty Chemistry | 29-338 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3623 mmoehlig@highline.edu | |
Moses, Woody LOGS Department Coordinator Life Ocean and General Science | 29-233 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3649 wmoses@highline.edu | |
Muigua, Leonard Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-3551 lmuigua@highline.edu | |
Myers, Michael G. Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4594 mmyers@highline.edu | |
Natanson, Priscilla Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop 29-3 | pnatanson@highline.edu | |
Naylor, Pam Administrative Assistant 3 Pure and Applied Sciences Division | 29-330 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3531 pnaylor@highline.edu | |
Needle, Max Part Time Faculty Geology | Mailstop 29-3 | mneedle@highline.edu | |
Nguyen, Khoi-Nguyen Faculty Mathematics | 26-305 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3972 knguyen@highline.edu | |
Nguyen, Marie Faculty Chemistry | 29-347 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3106 mnguyen@highline.edu | |
Nizami, Syeda Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29-333 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3398 snizami@highline.edu | |
Nye, Alaina Part Time Faculty Chemistry | Mailstop 29-03 | anye@highline.edu | |
Peterson, Kylee Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-350 Mailstop 29-3 | kpeterson@highline.edu | |
Puchalski, Stephaney Instruction & Classroom Support Technician 4 Instruction and Classroom Support | 26-329 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4659 spuchalski@highline.edu | |
Quadri, Kamil L Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | 206-592-3907 kquadri@highline.edu | |
Ramirez, Jason Faculty Mathematics | 26-327 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4599 jramirez@highline.edu | |
Rand, Madeline Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop 26-3 | mrand@highline.edu | |
Rizvi, Usman Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | 29-333 Mailstop 29-2 | 206-592-4389 urizvi@highline.edu | |
Selander, Jacob Faculty Geology | 29-335 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4626 jselander@highline.edu | |
Sheridan, Colleen Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | 29-249 Mailstop 29-2 | 206-592-4009 csheridan@highline.edu | |
Sidhu, Jasmine Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | jsidhu@highline.edu | |
Simmons, Natalie Part Time Faculty Mathematics | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | nsimmons@highline.edu | |
Sims, Jeremy Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-03 | jsims@highline.edu | |
Skelton, Katherine Faculty Mathematics | 26-328 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3433 kskelton@highline.edu | |
Sposato, Laura Faculty Chemistry | 29-348 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-3046 lsposato@highline.edu | |
St John, Michael Faculty Mathematics | 26-312 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-4135 mstjohn@highline.edu | |
Tomlinson, Jaimy Tomlinson, Jaimy | jtomlinson@highline.edu | ||
Warnock, Aaron Faculty Mathematics | (Online Only) Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3668 awarnock@highline.edu | |
Weems, Samuel Instruction and Classroom Support Technician 2 Chemistry | 29-304 Mailstop 29-3 | sweems@highline.edu | |
Wilson, Dusty Faculty / Pure & Applied Sciences Mathematics | 26-306 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3338 dwilson@highline.edu | |
Wugalter, Lauren Faculty Chemistry | 29-336 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4309 lwugalter@highline.edu | |
Wyatt, Meghan Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop -29 | mwyatt@highline.edu | |
Yee, Jenna Part Time Faculty Computer Information Systems/Computer Science | Mailstop 29-2 | jyee@highline.edu |
80 results