George Lopez
Phone: (206) 592-4289
Office: 26-330
Mailstop: 26-3
Hello Highline College, Welcome Back!
I hope you all have a strong finish to the end of our school year. If you have not reflected on last quarter, then this is a good time to do so. Think about the things you would have done differently and apply them to this quarter. Challenge yourself to be more active on campus, in the class, and most importantly during office hours
To my current students:
Hello Students, I hope you all had a great break, and you all are ready to get this quarter started. We will be using WebAssign for our homework and for most of our quizzes. In the Access to Full WebAssign and Cengage Support module, you all will find the "Click here to register for WebAssign and Access Our Assignments" link to help us set up a Cengage/WebAssign account. We will eventually need to purchase access to WebAssign, but for now use the free ten-day option. If you all ever have any questions, then please reach out and hopefully you all will stop by my office to chat.