Emma Kong
Computer Information Systems/Computer Science
Phone: (206) 592-3048
Office: 29-248
Mailstop: 29-2
Email: ekong@highline.edu
Note:Please send me an email for appointment; (29-248)
Dr. Emma (Cuiyu) Kong received a B.S degree in Information Engineering from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, M.S degree in Communication Engineering from National Central University, Taiwan, and Ph.D degree in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University. Before working at Highline College, she was Dean and a member of faculty. She has been teaching courses which include the following: Cyber Security, Networking, Database Management Systems and other related courses in Computer Science/Computer Information Systems. Before being a faculty, she assisted in multiple undergraduate and graduate courses in Computer Engineering during her master and doctoral study. Her mission is not only to convey knowledge efficiently to students, but also to inspire and motivate students inside and outside the classroom.