Faculty & Staff Directory
Name | Office / Mailstop | Phone / E-Mail | |
Waits, Shannon Part Time Faculty English Language Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-1 | swaits@highline.edu | |
Wang, Chia-chi Part Time Faculty Human Services | 19-103 Mailstop 19-01 | cwang@highline.edu | |
Wanzer, Kip W IT Network and Telecommunications Specialist (Journey) IT Infrastructure and Systems Administration | 26-126 Mailstop 26-1 | (206) 592-3171 kwanzer@highline.edu | |
Warnock, Aaron Faculty Mathematics | (Online Only) Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3668 awarnock@highline.edu | |
Washburn, Stephen Associate Dean for ELCAP English Language, Career and Academic Prep | 19-113 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-3627 swashburn@highline.edu | |
Wauhob, Aeriel Program Coordinator MaST Marine Science and Technology Center | MaST Mailstop MaST | (206) 592-4502 awauhob@highline.edu | |
Way-Bonkaana, Marjon Part Time Faculty Education | Mailstop 29-230 | mwaybonkaana@highline.edu | |
Weaver, Geri Part Time FacultyMentor Education | Mailstop 29-230 | gweaver@highline.edu | |
Webber, Elizabeth Part Time Faculty Nursing | Mailstop 26-2 | ewebber@highline.edu | |
Weems, Samuel Instruction and Classroom Support Technician 2 Chemistry | 29-304 Mailstop 29-3 | sweems@highline.edu | |
Weingarden-Bandes, Michelle Faculty Nursing | 26-229 Mailstop 26-2 | (206) 592-4210 mweingardenbandes@highline.edu | |
Weir, Mary Faculty Criminal Justice | 29-234 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4168 mweir@highline.edu | |
Welch, Krystal Director of Cohort Learning Communities & UMOJA Cultural Learning Communities | 25-612 Mailstop 25-6 | (206) 592-3148 kwelch@highline.edu | |
Welch, Marcia Faculty Business Technology | 26-317 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3896 mwelch@highline.edu | |
Wendfeldt, Larisa Director of Counseling Counseling Center | 6-227 Mailstop 6-10 | (206) 592-3579 lwendfeldt@highline.edu | |
Weng, Yen-chu Part-time Faculty Geography | Mailstop 23-3 | (206) 592-3803 yweng@highline.edu | |
White, Ciara Benefits Hub Program Manager Student Success | 1-124 Mailstop 1-2 | (206) 592-4013 cwhite@highline.edu | |
White, Jodi Faculty Education | 29-241 Mailstop 29-2 | (206) 592-4085 jwhite@highline.edu | |
White, Lawrence Part Time Faculty English | 18-105 Mailstop 18-1 | (206) 592-4017 lwhite@highline.edu | |
Wicks, Jacob Part Time Faculty Legal Studies | Mailstop 29-2 | jwicks@highline.edu | |
Wilde, Jeremy Interim WES Contact Tech Developer Workforce Education Services | 1-124 Mailstop 1-2 | (206) 592-3934 jwilde@highline.edu | |
Williams, Alycia Program Manager Womens Program and Workfirst Services | 6-106 Mailstop 6-2 | (206) 592-3842 alwilliams@highline.edu | |
Williams, Kharmyn Fiscal Analyst 2 Budget Office | 12-123 Mailstop 12-120 | (206) 592-4066 kwilliams@highline.edu | |
Williams, Tanisha Scholarships and Alumni Relations Program Specialist 4 Foundation | CV-305 Mailstop CV-3 | (206) 592-3212 twilliam@highline.edu | |
Williams,Tammy Part Time Faculty Continuing Eduction | Mailstop CV-2 | twilliams@highline.edu | |
Willis, Tony Coach Athletics | twillis@highline.edu | ||
Wilson, Diana Part Time Faculty Respiratory Care | Mailstop 26-2 | diwilson@highline.edu | |
Wilson, Dusty Faculty / Pure & Applied Sciences Mathematics | 26-306 Mailstop 26-3 | (206) 592-3338 dwilson@highline.edu | |
Wilson, Jamie Faculty English | 18-212 Mailstop 18-01 | (206) 592-3359 jwilson@highline.edu | |
Wilson, Nicole Faculty Counselor Counseling Center | 06-233 Mailstop 6-10 | (206) 592-3539 nwilson@highline.edu | |
Wilson, Phil Data and Integrations Analyst Business and Data Analysis | 26-127 Mailstop 26--1 | (206) 592-3417 pwilson@highline.edu | |
Winkler, Anthony Part Time Faculty English | Mailstop 18-1 | awinkler@highline.edu | |
Winston, Kenna B Part Time Faculty English Language, Career and Academic Prep | 19-109 Mailstop 19-01 | (206) 592-4174 kwinston@highline.edu | |
Wolkamp, Katherine Part Time Faculty BAS | Mailstop 29-230 | kwolkamp@highline.edu | |
Won, Emily Won, Emily | Mailstop CV-2 | ewon@highline.edu | |
Wong, Kelly Senior Graphic Designer Communications and Marketing | CV-309A Mailstop CV-3 | (206) 592-3828 kwong@highline.edu | |
Wood, Timothy Part Time Faculty Communication Studies | 19-103 Mailstop 19-1 | (206) 592-4029 twood@highline.edu | |
Woods, Tara L Credentials Evaluator Registration and Records | 6-130 Mailstop 6-4 | 206-592-3055 twoods@highline.edu | |
Word, Elizabeth Dean for Academic Pathways and Student Learning Resources Academic Pathways and Student Learning Resources | 9-211 Mailstop 9-3 | (206) 592-4651 eword@highline.edu | |
Wroblewski, Isabelle Associate Dean for Student Life Student Life | 08-313 Mailstop 8-3 | 206-592-4319 iwroblewski@highline.edu | |
Wrye, Tim Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services | 26-129 Mailstop 26-1 | (206) 592-4357 twrye@highline.edu | |
Wugalter, Lauren Faculty Chemistry | 29-336 Mailstop 29-3 | (206) 592-4309 lwugalter@highline.edu | |
Wyatt, Meghan Part Time Faculty Life Ocean and General Science | Mailstop -29 | mwyatt@highline.edu |
43 results