Suzanne Todd
Part Time Instructor
English Language, Career and Academic Prep
Phone: (206) 592-3574
Office: 19-109
Mailstop: 19-02
Link: Canvas
Link: Zoom
After teaching art for 15 years, I got TESOL certified to teach English abroad. In 2010, I started teaching ESL in Myanmar for the US Embassy Cultural Affairs program. I taught there for three years, meeting students from all over the country and working with teachers from all over the world. I had known for years about Highline's reputation and unique student population, so when I moved back to Seattle in 2013, I went directly to Highline College looking for a job. I was very fortunate to find a wonderful position almost immediately. I've been teaching at Highline ever since. I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with our students, and our devoted and supportive teaching community and staff.