Personal photo uploaded by Tylir McKenzie.

Tylir McKenzie


Phone: (206) 592-3145

Office: 29-351

Mailstop: 29-3


I am known by most on campus as Dr. T (he/they/she) and I have sort of a reputation: I've been caught playing kickball in a inflatable unicorn costume, creating tie-dye events for students, helping to co-host Pink Prom, and rocking colorful hawaiian shirts (summer) or sweats (winter) - so you cant usually miss me. In the classroom, I've brought in full size pool noodles to make neurons, created lab exercises with bambloozed jelly beans, extra sour candies, and upside down goggles, and even danced with a LED-lit nervous system made mannequin to demonstrate neural connections. Art projects, coloring books, games, trivia, and other immersive activities are essential aspects of my classes - so you if you are looking for some fun while gaining skills and learning about psychology - look no further!

PSYC& 100 - General Psychology, PSYCH 202 - Biopsychology, PSYC&180 - Human Sexuality, PSYCH230 - Psychology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, and PSYCH293 - Independent Studies.

Beyond the classroom, my greatest passion is helping students along their academic journey. Whether that is students interested in Psychology, or those interested in any other pathway at Highline and beyond, my goal is to work to best assist you towards your future goals. I am a passionate teacher who loves being the classroom with students. As a former Highline graduate myself, I know the value and experience that you get at Highline can lay the foundation to a great future. I am known on campus for being engaged with student activities, seeking to create fun in everything I do. While I do have high standards as a teacher, those standards also come with help and support for you to help you reach your greatest potential.

If you enjoy doing hands-on immersive learning, engaging in fun classroom activities, and like structure to your schedule - I am your teacher. This doesnt mean I am an "easy" teacher necessarily, but my goal is always to create positive, long-lasting experiences for students. As a teacher, the greatest honor I have as a teacher is the word of mouth recommendation that comes from previous students, and it keeps me striving to be a better teacher every quarter.

If you ever have any questions or just want to talk, whether you have been a student of mine or not, you are always welcome to drop by my office, say hi on campus, or reach out to me via email.

Summer 2024

Arranged or Online

PSYC& 100 1YCF-OA (13944) , PSYC& 100 2YCF-OA (13946) , PSYC& 180 1YCF-OA (13964)

10:00 am

By Appt via Zoom or In-Person. Email me to schedule.

Meets Tuesday & Wednesday from 10:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm
Zoom Meetings by Appt