Personal photo uploaded by Rashmi Koushik.

Rashmi Koushik

English Language Career and Academic Prep

Phone: (206) 592-4282

Office: 19-103B

Mailstop: 19-1




I teach many things in the ELCAP department. ELCAP stands for English Language, Career and Academic Preparation. I teach ESOL, GED (math and reading), and in the Jumpstart program depending on the quarter. I often teach College 101, for students in college who are starting their first or second quarter and getting a transfer degree. I love wearing many hats in our department because I can interact with so many different students. I love learning about student goals and helping them get closer to their dream careers!

The best way to reach me is by email, especially if you have questions you can write down -- I will respond very quickly that way. My email is You can also drop into one of my zoom office hours as well for more in-depth assistance or advising. My zoom link is I'm available on zoom for other appointment times that meet your schedule. If you would like an appointment, I am using the Bookings page when I am available, but you can also contact me and tell me times that work for you.

10:00 am

Office Hours - In Person (19-103B) or on Zoom

Meets Friday from 10:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm
Office (19-103B) or zoom

12:30 pm

Office Hours (In-Person or Zoom)

Meets Tuesday & Thursday from 12:30 ‐ 1:30 pm
Office (19-103B) or on zoom

Office Hours (In-Person or Zoom)

Meets Tuesday & Thursday from 12:30 ‐ 1:30 pm
Office (19-103B) or on zoom

3:00 pm

Office Hours

Meets Wednesday from 3 ‐ 4:30 pm