Personal photo uploaded by Hara Brook.

Hara Brook

Reference Librarian
Library Reference Services

Phone: (206) 592-3248

Office: 25-416

Mailstop: 25-2B




I received my master's degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington in 2000. I completed the RCA/UCLES Certificate TEFLA Course in Barcelona, Spain in 1995. I enjoy traveling and have visited countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. Many years ago, I was an exchange student in Uusikaupunki, Finland. Before coming to Seattle, I lived abroad in Sendai, Japan, and Barcelona, Spain. My husband, our two children and I live in Seattle. I've been working at Highline since 2000. Among my other responsibilities as a faculty librarian at Highline, I am responsible for coordinating the library's reference services.

NOTE: I am available by email daily. It is also easy to arrange to meet online using Zoom. I have scheduled hours, and I am available by arrangement at other times.

Fall 2024

Arranged or Online

COL 101 3YCF-OA (33999)

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