Personal photo uploaded by Lisa Bernhagen.

Lisa Bernhagen


Phone: (206) 592-3213

Office: 18-210

Mailstop: 18-1




I have helped students find confidence in their writing skills at Highline College for about 20 years. I enjoy working with my students and learning together. I have lived in Sweden, Hungary, and China. I have visited 27 countries. I love to read, hike, eat, sleep, cook, learn new things, keep learning about healthy eating, and spend time with my family and friends. I like hearing about what you are learning about right now that excites you. I have a very energetic Siamese cat, Suki.

I was vegetarian for about 30 years and now vegan (I just eat plants) for about 5 years. I enjoy following the science demonstrating the amazing joy, health, and healing from a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

The theme of my English 101 class: write for a different reader in each essay, about something that matters to you and about things you are learning about nutrition. Learn to find and uses sources. Exploring the forces that shaped, the "rules" and attitudes about "good" and "bad" writing. Writing is a practice -- I am not here to judge yours, but to support you developing your own writer's voice.

Spring 2025

Arranged or Online

ENGL& 101 2YCF-OA (36863) , ENGL& 101 9YCF-OA (36872)

10:00 am

I am in my office

Meets Tuesday from 10 ‐ 10:50 am

1:30 pm

Office hours in 29-308

Meets Wednesday from 1:30 ‐ 2:00 pm

I am in my office

Meets Thursday from 1:45 ‐ 2:15 pm

2:00 pm

I am in my office

Meets Tuesday from 2 ‐ 2:50 pm
18-210 or email to Zoom

I am in my office

Meets Monday from 2 ‐ 4:00 pm