Personal photo uploaded by Lisa Bernhagen.

Lisa Bernhagen


Phone: (206) 592-3213

Office: 18-210

Mailstop: 18-1




I have helped students find confidence in their writing skills at Highline College for about 20 years. I enjoy working with my students and learning together. I have lived in Sweden, Hungary, and China. I have visited 27 countries. I love to read, hike, eat, sleep, cook, learn new things, keep learning about healthy eating, and spend time with my family and friends. I like hearing about what you are learning about right now that excites you. I have a very energetic Siamese cat, Suki.

The theme of my English 101 class: Learn ways to read and write for college, yourself, and your diverse classmates (future colleagues) while exploring race issues, social justice, the "rules" for writing and your experiences and goals as a writer.

You will be asked to write about things we read, and about your personal experiences that shape your opinions, to help others learn from you. You can decide what essay writing moves you want to learn and practice. We work as a community so that we feel connected and supported to learn, and to share our experiences and knowledge.

Spring 2024

10:00 am

ENGL& 101 18B-HY (34465)

English Composition I

Meets Monday from 10 ‐ 10:50 am
Bldg 10 Room 206-Classroom

ENGL& 101 18B-HY (34465)

English Composition I

Meets Wednesday from 10 ‐ 10:50 am
Bldg 30 Room 212-Computer Lab

11:00 am

ENGL& 101 21C-HY (34615)

English Composition I

Meets Monday from 11:00 am ‐ 12:05 pm
Bldg 10 Room 206-Classroom

ENGL& 101 21C-HY (34615)

English Composition I

Meets Wednesday from 11:00 am ‐ 12:05 pm
Bldg 30 Room 212-Computer Lab

Zoom office. Please email me or find my Zoom office from your Canvas course

Meets Tuesday from 11:00 am ‐ 12:50 pm

12:30 pm

My office

Meets Monday & Wednesday from 12:20 ‐ 1:50 pm

My office

Meets Monday & Wednesday from 12:20 ‐ 1:50 pm